Deborah V. Thompson
“My design process starts with the plants. I do this work to support biodiversity and to narrow that big window I choose to focus specifically on supporting butterflies. Host and nectar plants are my primary plant palette, and I choose plants beyond this to help create the look and feel that we are trying to achieve. Equally important is the experience of the people in the space, so I consider factors like scale, visual and physical flow, and seasonality. I envision a future where all properties reflect our current era and actively contribute to enhancing the environment in their unique ways.”
Lilac & Strawberry Gardens.
Hamilton estate
Spring bulbs
Front garden after the addition of tulips.
Yes please
Butterfly garden
Year 4
A butterfly garden can look all kinds of ways. It just needs host and nectar plants.
Rose (swamp) Milkweed
Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), Pincushion flower (Scabiosa columbaria) & Prairie dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis). Rose milkweed can do very well in average garden soil - it doesn’t have to be wet as the common name suggests. Host to monarch butterflies. Pincushion flower is a nectar source all summer.
Virginian tiger moth (Spilosoma virginica).
Very cool looking visitor on Amsonia tabernamontana 'blue ice'. Be careful with your caterpillar finds. Some use stinging hairs as a defense mechanism.
Silver Gem Prostrate Blue (Viola walteri ‘Silver Gem’). This will spread creating a lovely ground cover.
Ground cover
Wild strawberry is a powerhouse in supporting pollinators. Year 2.
Back yard bird house gardens
Echinacea and verbena from seed. Monarda and phlox moved from other gardens. Year 2.
Invasive species control allows natives to flourish.
Year 4.
Side garden
Wild strawberry, spotted geranium, allium
Tiarella & Wild Strawberry..
It took 2 years for these to grow in.
Perennial containers
Jacobs ladder
With a little care.
a little weeding goes a long way
Corrective gardening
too much mulch on crowns of the iris were causing them to underperform. extra mulch was removed and used elsewhere.
Weed/invasive removal
Grasses, swallow-wort, pachysandra, and creeping bellflower are all being weeded out making way for new ground cover (wild strawberry) and the existing plantings to flourish.
New property makeover.
Fence line butterfly garden
Spring. It doesn’t take long for some natives to become established. Year 2.
Pattern and texture
Butterfly gardens can look many different ways. This space is long and narrow so I chose to plant a repeating pattern of tall ‘ish’ and thin ‘ish’ plants.
Fence line
American Lady on Echinacea purpurea
Certified monarch waystation
American lady butterfly
Zinnia’s are a great addition to butterfly gardens and super easy to grow by seed.
I leave about half of the seed heads for the birds; the other half get used to create new gardens.
Native hydrangea
Variegated Fritillary on native Oakleaf Hydrangea
Fall aster
Mini meadow
The new fence will let the sun shine through to the back. Next year that space will have a raised bed veggie garden.
Foundation plantings that don't overwhelm
Just enough.
Yard conversion
Year one was pretty spectacular.
Year 2
Rudbeckia hirta, Black-eyed Susan
Mini meadow
Year 2
Raised Beds - mixed use
Raised bed vegetable garden
year 3. focus on making the best use of the backyard.
Using containers
Annuals can be great for nectar sources and are often a part of my plantings. I have the best luck with them when they are grouped - as these are in containers.
Before - foundation plantings
Overgrown foundation plantings were replaced with witch hazel, native grasses, red-twig dogwood and Russian sage
Before - fence line
Ground cover was native spiderwort and violet which were both saved but thinned out.
Before - backyard & patio
This area is stone over layers of landscape fabric. It was all removed and will become a shade garden.
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden.
Raised twin beds
Raised Bed Butterfly Garden.
Raised bed butterfly garden
Just keeps getting better. Year 6!
Slow to establish plants
I’m starting to see some of the things I threw in here and forgot about…
Have faith
This got planted as a dormant plant. A few years went by and I forgot about it. This spring there it was in full flower — beyond delighted! Dodecatheon puchellum, shooting star.
Purple coneflower
Echinacea purpura is not native to this area of the US, but adds significant value to a butterfly garden. It is a great nectar plant when in flower. In the fall spent seed heads are frequently visited by goldfinches.
Black Swallowtail caterpillar
When there is dill or fennel in this garden we find Black Swallowtail caterpillars. Other host plants are: celery, parsley & Queen Anne’s lace.
Just for fun
Allium schubertii
Eastern Comma
Eastern Commas are very hard to photograph because they rarely sit still! When folded they look like a dead leaf making them very hard to spot. We were very grateful to find this one sunning itself!
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.
Easter Tiger Swallowtails will nectar on Coneflower, Blazing Star, Verbena, Buttonbush, Chives, Ironweed, Joe-Pye Weed, Lilac, Milkweed, New England Aster and Zinna (among others).
Butterfly garden | Yard conversion.
plenty of journey in this design even though the property is reatively small.
Year 2
Loving the windows into the back garden space
Year 2
Year 2
Phase 2 - yard conversion
Triangular beds planted with native grasses and wildflowers.
Year one
Right from the start this garden was amazing.
Full sun
Perfect location for a butterfly garden.
View from screen porch
Empty lot transformation.
Year 3.
Year 3.
Every year the garden gets better : )
Year 2.
Year 1.
19 species of wildflowers (only 2 non-native) plus 3 native grasses
Path in progress.
Step one of path (designed and installed by homeowners).
Planning stages.
Path being considered as are choices for natives that will attract a variety of pollinators…
This front yard was largely unused by the previous home owners.
Mailbox garden
View from the street
I love it that I can see this garden all the way down the street.
Vernbena b.
Verbenia bonariensis is not native but it adds so much value to the garden. Butterflies and hummingbirds love it.
Year one
First year gardens can be amazing. Next year this will be even better.
New List Item
Description goes here -
I love it when clients send me pictures of their gardens and texts like this “It’s literally a work of art! You are a garden artist! I”m so happy with it!” I have the best job.
Laying out plants
Coastal property in Ipswich - studio entrance.
First year planting
Site was seeded with Rudbeckia hirta and planted with little bluestem and prairie dropseed. Drumstick allium was added this fall.
Newly planted grasses.
Site preparation
Zen Garden.
Mixed containers.
Mixed containers were added to make this outdoor living space more comfortable.
Native plants (and bird seed) attracted a variety of butterflies and songbirds. A great addition to the Zen vibe.
Simple and elegant.
Nodding onion (Allium cernuum) grows very well in containers. It’s a pretty mix with pink geranium. Both bloomed into the fall.
Larger mixed planters.
Larger mixed planters flank the entrance - little bluestem & nodding onion mixed with non-native Astilbe.
Ferns are great in containers and add a sense of calm to a space. Perfect for a zen garden.
Yard conversion.
Sod removal
The first step to transforming a lawn is getting rid of the grass! Here we chose to use a sod cutter.
Natural flow between the two gardens
We chose to create the new beds as an extension of the current vegetable garden. One garden flows right into the next.
Black-eyed Susan
Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida), Iron Weed (Vernonia lettermanii), Bee-balm (Monarda fistulosa var. fistulosa), Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)…
Year one after planting
Monarda in bloom.
Lovely fall aster
Aromatic Aster (Aster obl. October skies) & Smooth Aster (Aster laevis blue bird).
A community
Monarch happily nectaring on Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata ‘ice ballet’) while family chickens forage about.
Black-eyed Susan
Cabbage white butterfly
Moisture puddle and sunning spots
In addition to host and nectar plants butterflies like warm places to sun them selves (rocks or sticks) and water. Here an old pottery plate has some dirt on the bottom (for nutrients) and water.
Monarch eggs
Year one eggs! When you are out in your garden make sure to check the undersides of leaves.
Monarda fistulosa
Our native Monarda (Monarda fistulosa) can be tricky to grow because it is prone to powdery mildew. In a perfect world it likes sun to part shade, average to moist soil.
Pearl Crescent
We were so happy to see this little one. Smooth aster is a host plant (and included in this garden). Nectar plants are plentiful. In this garden it will be most attracted to Black-eyed Susan, Joe-Pye Weed, Milkweed, and it’s Smooth Aster.
Non-native garden companions
Many traditional garden plants make excellent contributors to butterfly gardens. They help create the look and feel of our gardens and supply pollinators with nectar.
Foxglove beardtongue
Penstemon digitalis is one of 4 native Penstemon. It is easy to grow in full sun with no serious insect or disease problems. Watch for aggressive spreading.
End of September
With cooler temperatures summer blooms give way to seed heads (available to hungry birds). Aster and Goldenrod are take over as nectar plants.
Tending to the garden
A first year garden will not leave a lot of debris in the fall. As plants mature try and have a limited fall clean up. This allows for wintering over at any of a butterflies life stages (adult, egg, larva, pupa).
Removing invasives from wetland meadow.
Invasive Multiflora Rose
The branches in the foreground here are Multiflora rose. If not removed, eventually this area will be completely covered.
Multiflora Rose
This section of the project is one of the worst. It is very densely covered with both Multiflora Rose and European Bittersweet.
Flagging for next year
Pink flag marks where European Bittersweet, Glossy Buckthorn and Multiflora rose were dug out.
Meadow edge meets yard
The edge of this meadow is heavily covered with Multiflora Rose. A very vigorous invasive plant.
The interior of this meadow has several native goldenrods adding beautiful fall interest.
Blue Vervain or Swamp Verbena, (Verbena hastata) is scattered through out this wet meadow. It is a nectar plant for butterflies and is a host plant for caterpillars of the Common Buckeye butterfly.
Beautiful fall interest
Joe-Pye Weed
Second year - check on progress
Lush and green all summer
Year 3
with manual pulling and flame weeding we’ve been successful at keeping invasive species from taking over.
Invasive species...
Muliflora Rose, Autumn Olive, Oriental Bittersweet, Purple Loosestrife, Glossy Buckthorn....they are all present in this meadow but their populations are going down, giving our native meadow species room to grow.
Verbena hastata
Each year I see more Verbena h.
there are still invasive species, but it is getting better each year and not worse making more room for native plants to emerge.