Consultation / Planting list - We’ll recommend the best native plants for the conditions you have on your property keeping in mind the goals we’ve set together - personal aesthetic, attracting butterflies, providing habitat, etc...
Installation - If you aren’t interested in planting yourself, we’ll gladly source your plants and install them at our hourly rate.
Gardening Services – While your new garden gets established it will need some care (mostly in the first 3 years). If you’d like to do the work yourself we will write you a detailed maintenance plan, or you can hire us. The maintenance we do is - weeding, watering if needed, dead heading where appropriate, and invasive species control. Seasonal work includes dividing perennials, spreading leaf mulch and edging garden beds. Work is done on a per hour basis.
Raised Bed Flower & Herb or Vegetable Gardens - NEW
Garden Certification - we can help you have your garden officially certified! National Wildlife Federation, Monarch Waystation Certification, Million Pollinator Garden Network