Happy Spring
Having a butterfly garden does’t mean that you can’t have all of your favorite plants too. Our gardens are just as much for us as, they are for butterflies, and I am super excited to see my tulips this spring.
Fall “clean up”
With cooler night-time temperatures and some falling leaves it’s starting to feel more like fall than summer.
NSBG’s was happy to be a part of Redfin’s latest blog post.
Ryan Castillo at Redfin put together this wonderful article and North Shore Butterfly Garden’s was among the experts that he reached out to for input!
Bringing the garden inside
Do you take the time to bring flowers inside in the summer months?
Summer News
My garden this year looks amazing. It went from a strip of pink spiderwort last year to a certified Monarch Waystation. The only problem is I’m not seeing many butterflies…
Spring News
Happy Spring!
As we plan for 2023 this is what I am thinking about - how do we bring our properties to their highest and best ecological use within the context of a residential property (and of course good design).
Winter News
With the crazy weather we are having it's truly hard to know what season we’re in, but I’m still holding onto the notion that it is winter (despite it being 56 degrees out as I write this)…