Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Container
This container garden will feature a mix of host and nectar plants specific to the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.
this butterfly’s host plants are trees - ash, cherry, lilac, willow, among others - we can’t host (provide it food for it’s caterpillars) it in a container but we can offer the adults nectar with blazing star, verbena, chives, ironweed, milkweed, NE aster, purple coneflower, zinnia…
thought will be given to site, size of container, personal aesthetic and plant availability.
*This container will be most successful in full to part sun
This container garden will feature a mix of host and nectar plants specific to the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.
this butterfly’s host plants are trees - ash, cherry, lilac, willow, among others - we can’t host (provide it food for it’s caterpillars) it in a container but we can offer the adults nectar with blazing star, verbena, chives, ironweed, milkweed, NE aster, purple coneflower, zinnia…
thought will be given to site, size of container, personal aesthetic and plant availability.
*This container will be most successful in full to part sun
This container garden will feature a mix of host and nectar plants specific to the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.
this butterfly’s host plants are trees - ash, cherry, lilac, willow, among others - we can’t host (provide it food for it’s caterpillars) it in a container but we can offer the adults nectar with blazing star, verbena, chives, ironweed, milkweed, NE aster, purple coneflower, zinnia…
thought will be given to site, size of container, personal aesthetic and plant availability.
*This container will be most successful in full to part sun
How it works. Place your order AND email NSBG’s with the address & contact information (if different from billing), a few images showing the environment in which the containers will be (so we can think about design aesthetic) and the light conditions (full sun, part sun, etc). The homeowner is responsible for having the correct size pot(s) for the job. NSBG’s will come to you with soil and the plants and we will create your potted butterfly oasis.